Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jesus said, I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."わたしは義人たちではなく,罪人たちを悔い改めへと呼び寄せるために来たのだ

We played a phonics game ゲームのホニクスをあそんだ

This week we had Nagisa, Saho, Rio and our special guest Darren. Darren is my friend from Niimi who also teaches English. He came down for the weekend to visit. We sang "God Bless You" and "Ai, Ai, Ai" The message was from Matthew 9:9-13. Jesus had a dinner with tax collector. In our lives, we often are mean to certain people. But, when we look at Jesus, he teaches us what is the most important thing is to share truth and love of God. Even Jesus' disciples did not expect that Jesus would have dinner with sinners. Setsuko concluded with the words of Jesus. "Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' 'For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Thanks to God, we had a great time!

このしゅまつはなぎあさ、さほ、りお、ときゃくさまのダレン先生。だれんさんは新見からわたしのともだちです。だれんさんも英語をおしえています。かれはよりしまにきるであいますから。わたしたちは“ゴドブレスユー”と“あい、あい、あい”いしょにとうたた。メセージはマテオの9:9-13からきました。イエスさまとしゅうぜいにんといしょにばんごはんをたべました。私たちのせかいには、よくいじわるなひといます。でも、イエスさまをみたら、かれはわたしたちにいちばんことの愛のかみさまをおしえています。イエスさまのがくせいがイエスさまとしゅぜいにんのばんごはんのことがわかりませんでした。メーセジのおわりはいえすさまのことばでした。“イエスはこれを聞いて,彼らに言った,「健康な人たちに医者は必要でなく,病気の人たちに必要なのだ。 9:13 それで,『わたしはあわれみを望み,犠牲を望まない』とはどういう意味か,行って学んで来なさい。わたしは義人たちではなく,罪人たちを悔い改めへと呼び寄せるために来たのだ」。”(マタイによる福音書)かみさまにおかげで、このときはほんとによかた。

Sunday, January 20, 2008


We are blessed to have the Bard Sherman Gospel trio coming to Japan in March. They will be playing a variety of concerts in Okayama, Hiroshima, and perhaps Tokyo (if the Lord wills). This is one of the flyers for the Yorishima concert outreach on March 22. Please pray for a fruitful time of sharing the Gospel.



Teaching phonics、フォニクスをおしえています。

This weekend at "Joy Time" we had Nagisa, Saho, Shinya, and his mother. We began with a Japanese song that had a samba rhythm called "ai, ai, ai". "Ai" means "love" in Japanese. The song had a dance that went with it. It was a good warm up. The Bible story was about Hana's prayer, how she prayed, and how God answered her prayers. The message was "be thankful to God" from 1Samuel 2. Then, we had an English lesson. It was our first class learning phonics.

しゅまつはジョイタイムになぎあさ、さほ、しにや、しにゃのおかさんいました。はじめはサンバのリシム日本語の歌をう歌。歌のなまえは “あい、あい、あい” でした。“あい”のいみは“ラブ”です。この歌がおどろがありました。いいワームアプでした。せいしょうのストリーがハナのいのりので、いのりをするがどうで、かみさまのこたえるのどうでした。 メセジが“かみさまにおかげです”1サムレル2番チャプタからでした。そして、英語のれんしゅうしました。このクラスがはじめのくらすのフォニクスをならいました。

Friday, January 11, 2008

”WHO IS THE GREATEST?” “だれがいちばんえらいですか?”

Nagisa and Rio's puppet show!
Today we met with the children after a long Winter break. Nagisa, Saho, Rio, and Shinya attended. We sang "God Bless You" which has both Japanese and English lyrics. Then Setsuko told a story using puppets. The story was from Matthew 18 about Jesus asking, "Who is the greatest?" Jesus wanted His disciples to undertand that we are all important. Therefore, we need to serve one another. During the story, Setsuko asked the children, "Who is the greatest?" Saho quickly responded, "Jesus!" Afterward, we had a short brief English lesson and then it was free time. During free time Nagisa and Rio had their own puppet show! (see picture)


Sunday, January 6, 2008

BACK FROM THE STATES/ アメリカからかえりました

(My family and I at SFO before I returned.)
I am now back in Japan after a nice trip back to the States. It was a blessed time of seeing family and friends. I spent a lot of time with my niece Mila whom I adore. We went to the beach, went on walks, played a variety of games, and even read the Bible together. She said, "I like reading the Bible. I 'm good at it!" What a blessing it was to hear her say that. May the blessings continue into this new year as we see the great things that God has planned.

いま、アメリカから日本にかえりました。そのときはしゅくふくことをしました。じぶんのかぞくとともだちをみました。じぶんとめいこのなまえのミラといしょうにあそびました。じぶんはミラちゃんをあいしてるよ。わたしたちはうみにいったり、さんぽをしたり、たくさんゲムをしたり、せいしょうをよみたり。ミラちゃんはせいしょうをよむがすきで、じょずです。 すごいよ! ことしはかみさまのすごいプランをみています。