Saturday, February 23, 2008
Bard Sherman Concert Radio Advertisement バードシャーマンのコンサートのラジオ宣伝です。
これはさいきんラージオでコンサートの宣伝です。(角田のテレビおかげでビデオあります。すごいよ!) 三月までつずけて宣伝します。二月二十八日ラジオでインタビューをしっています。たぶん、テレビでコンサートをみせるでしょう。テレビの会社もですから。きかけはせちゃんがイーメイルをおくった。そのときにけいじばんにのせいたいかった。でも、いろいろのことがあげました。すべてむりょうでした!神様をさんびしますよ!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
"I remember Joseph"/Concert preparations Praise Report私はヨセフをおぼいりましたよ!バードシャーマンのコンサートのじゅんびのプレースリポート
Bard Sherman outreach preparations continue. Here is a Praise Report of what has become:
1. The cable television and radio station company, "Yumei Wave" will be interviewing Setsuko on the the radio on 2/28, not to mention they will be adverstising the concert for free, Praise the Lord!
2. The Asakuchi city BOE has allowed us to advertise the concert to the students via flyers in the classrooms!
1. Takeshima chapel has secured the Boys and Girls club for our Easter concert and a shopping center for our mid-week concert..."public places for public outreach!"
1. Mountain worship has announced the outreach to its many participants via their website.
1. Niimi church has created a CD of Bard's music with translations in between the songs for the purpose of sharing the Gospel!
1. Kohashi-san has booked Bard for two concerts and is providing rooms for the guys.
2.Missionary Janet Brown has offered her guest house for the Sherman's.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tokyo and Freeters 東京とフリータース
- It would be disrespectful to continue living (on the weekend) at the Sumida's old house for a second year. It would be appropriate if Setsuko and I were planning to marry, but we are not. She is my "big-little" sister in the Lord!
- The children's ministry has basically become a girls club ministry, which can be continued without my help, Lord willing. Takeshima chapel has said they want to support the ministry.
- My services with "Daichi chruch" in Hiroshima have ceased.
So, I have found myself at a turning point. I believe the Lord has called me to Japan and that my main responisibility、 at this point is to learn Japanese so that I may be available for greater service, other than English teaching. That being the case, Tokyo has a lot of opportunities and Christians to work with and I can continue studying.
One of the groups I hope to reach is the so called "freeter" generation, whom you could say they are like the modern day "hippis" of Japan. The thing I like the most about the so called "freeter" group is that they acknowlege the oppression and legalism within Japanese society and they reject it and want change. They see that living life is more important than your job. My so called "freeter" friends are kind, loving (as much as possible apart from Christ) and they appreciate simple living. The "rat race" in Japan causes people to obsessively invest their lives into their jobs and into the system and ultimately lose sight of God and His purpose for our lives. Therefore, I think that the so called "freeters" are on to something; something in the direction of finding God and His purpose for our lives. May God save the souls of the so called "freeters" and the rest of Japan for that matter.
- 来年すみだの古いうちができません。ただしいですから。
- 子供のミニスタリーはぜんぶ女の子です。たけしまチャペルてすだたい。
- だいちのきょうかいで私のサービスがおわりです。
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Thank you for your prayers! あなたのいのりのにありがとうございます!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Jesus always hears! いつも、イエスが聞きます!
もいかい、わたしたちはなぎさ、さほ、りおあいました。 あたらしうたうのなまえは“カントノバヂーづーミーライクジサス”をうた。“あい、あい、あい”もうた。きょうのメセジはうたうのなかにありました。せつこさんはこどものたちにだれもイエスにかわるものはないというた。メセジあとで、もちょっと、フォニクスをしました。ホニクスのことばは英語で“プレー”、“へべン”、“ジーサス”でした。わたしはこどもにいのりのときにイエスさまがいつも聞きますというた。イエスはわたしたちのいのりをいつも、いつも、いつも、聞きますよ!こんどうはこどものたちがイエスをしってキリシタンになります。