Friday, August 31, 2007

Little Drummer Boy (take 1)

Today we had our usual time with the "Joy Time" kids. Nagisa, Youka, Yuki, and Natsu came. It was Natsu's first time, praise the Lord! For our English lesson we practiced the alphabet and then we sang songs. We sang "Aisarerutame" which has become a favorite among the children and then we began our rehearsal for the Christmas program. We will be singing for the Yorishima senior citizen's home in December, so today we began rehearsing "Little Drummer Boy." Then we all sang and Setsuko played piano and I played snare drum. Then Setsuko told them the story behind the song, hence she told them about the birth of Jesus. Afterward, we continued playing instruments. During my summer vacation in America I was able to bring back a small snare drum, so I will definitely be putting it to use here, especially since Setsuko has an electric piano and the kids enjoy playing percussion toys with us.

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