Wednesday, November 28, 2007


When I first came to Noochi elementary school, I felt strong spiritual presence. I wasn't absolutely sure, but I could at least tell something was different about this place. As weeks went by and I continued coming every Tuesday, I began noticing more things.  I noticed a large paper mache devil. I noticed more thought based attacks from the enemy and even had a couple of panic attacks at different times. At first I associated them with the strong coffee I was drinking. But, perhaps there was more to it. Another clue to the spiritual warfare going on at this school became clear when a Buddhist monk came the school to play with the kids. Of the five schools I work at, this is the only school where this is happening. The monk and I ended up playing basketball together with the kids. Also, while I was at the gym I met a man who claimed to be a monk and he said he lived at Noochi. Then, just last week I noticed a strange building right next to the school. I asked one of the kids what the building was and he confirmed my suspicion that it was a temple.The temple is basically on school grounds. Suddenly my various experiences made sense.As I write and think about this little elementary school in the country side, I realize that there is spiritual warfare everywhere; in every town, city, state, and country. I want to be careful not to dwell upon such warfare since I know that in Jesus is with me and I am protected.

  • "...and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matthew28:20)
However, I also want to be aware of my surroundings. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour..."(1Peter5:8)

のうちのしょがこうははじめきたとき、つよいれいをかんじました。わからなかった、でもこのところになにかちがうとおもいました。 だだん、あたらしことがわかってきました。しょがこうのなかにおおき紙のあくまがありました。 わたしのこころにこうげきがありました。はじめはコーヒーのせいだとおもいました。まった、このしょうがこうでおぼうさんがきて、こどもとあそんでいました。このしょがこうしかおぼうさんがきません。わたしたちはいしょうにバスケとバルをしました。元気広場というジムでちがうおぼうさんにあいました。せんしゅうはしょがこうのとなりのちがうたてもをみつけました。がこうのこどもにたてものことをききました。しょがこうのこどものは“おてらです”といいました。 おてらはとてもちかくにある。だからすべてがわかりました。いま、わたしはこのいなかのしょうがこうのいたるところでれてきなせんそうがあるとおもいました。

  • “また、新しく弟子となった者たちには、あなたがたに命じておいたすべての戒めを守るように教えなさい。 わたしはこの世の終わりまで、いつもあなたがたと共にいるのです。」" マタイの福音書(取税人マタイの記録)"

イエスさまはわたしをまもてくれます。 でも、わたしのかんきょうにちゅういします。

  • "最大の敵である悪魔の攻撃に備えて、くれぐれも警戒しなさい。 悪魔は、飢えて、ほえたけるライオンのように、引き裂くべき獲物を求めて、うろつき回っているのです。"(ペテロからの手紙 Ⅰ5:8)"

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Today at "Joy Time" we had Nagisa, Saho, and Rio. We read the Christmas story and practiced for the Christmas program. The key words were, "God loves you" and "Happy Birthday Jesus." Afterward we practiced English, using the question, "What time is it?" and answering,"It's ---- o'clock." Then we played a card game using the phrases.
Today was particularly intersting because it was the first time for Saho and Rio to attend. Saho is eleven Rio is five years old. They are former NOVA students and they came because NOVA shut down. Their father is a Buddhist temple monk in nearby Kamogata.Setsuko told their mother that we share about Jesus and teach the Bible and she had no problem with that. Therefore, it seems that the Lord has brought these people our way that they may hear the truth. Praise the Lord! May His will be done.


きょう、“ジョイ タイム”でなぎさ、さほ、とりおがきました。わたしたちはクリスマスストーリをよんで、クリスマスプログラムをれんしゅしました。キワドはえいごで“かみさまはきみをあいしてる”と“イエスさまをたんじょびおめでとう。”そして、わたしたしたちはえいごをれんしゅしました。えいごで“なんじですか”そして“いまは__です”をれんしゅしました。そして、わたしたちはあたらしことばをならって、かるたであそびました。

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


"Thanksgiving" in Japan is called "Kanshasai" or "Labor Thanksgiving" and it falls on 11/23 which is Friday. It is a national holiday. Since Japan is a company culture, the focus on "Labor" when giving thanks seems to be appropriate. For me, it is a time to reflect on God's provisions.

Here are just some of the things I am thankful for (I could probably go on for a long time, since GOD GIVES SO ABUNDANTLY!)

  • the love of God (John 3:16)

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever shall believe on Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."

  • hope (Galatians 5:5)
  • family and friends
  • health
  • the children's ministries
  • my job
  • God's blessing upon my Japanese language studies
  • my apartment
  • the clothes on my back
  • clean air
  • clean water
  • the food in my stomach
  • my car
  • money in the bank 

”テンクスギビング は かんしゃさい”




  • かみさまのあい。


  • かみさまをきたいする 


  • かぞくとともだち
  • けんこう
  • こどもにせんきょう
  • わたしのしごと
  • わたしのにほんごのべんきょう
  • わたしのアパート
  • わたしのふく
  • きれいなくうき
  • きれいなみず
  • たべもの
  • わたしのくるま
  • すこしおかねがある

Monday, November 19, 2007

Trip to Osaka

This past weekend I visited my friend in Osaka. Hence, I did not attend "Joy Time." I had not seen my friend Yuh in about two or three years, so it was nice to visit him. We stayed at his friend Ryuji's house and we enjoyed playing music together on Saturday and Sunday. Since Yuh and the others who were around were not Christian, it was an interesting time for me. We were able to have good conversations about our what we are doing these days and I was even able to tell them, "Jesus loves you." Ryuji (jokingly) started calling me "holy teacher" after I told him I was teaching Sunday school in Hiroshima. Of course, I told him that I am far from holy (apart from Christ), and that is for sure. He asked about my blog and if it was in Japanese which made me decide to begin writing a Japanese translation starting with this entry (please forgive my many mistakes). Overall, the Lord's will was done and at least I was able to be an example for Christ. Therefore, I was thankful.


Sunday, November 11, 2007



  • This past weekend was more of the same...but that is a good thing! In Yorishima we met with the usual group of girls, although Nagisa couldn't make it. We rehearsed for the Yorishima Christmas program and then we practiced speaking English.


  • The next day I was off to Hiroshima to teach Sunday school. During Sunday school I introduced the words of Little Drummer Boy to the group using large flash cards I made with both English and Japanese on each card. We played sugoroku using the cards and then we sang "Jesus loves me." Mrs. Lee, Lee sensei's wife, told me that the children were singing it everyday this week. Praise the Lord!
  • After lunch we had the usual English lesson. The subject was Thanksgiving. I told a short story about Thanksgiving in America and then we played "Pin the feather on the turkey" and another game called, "How many turkey's Mr. Pilgrim?" It was BIG TIME fun!!!
  • After the English lesson, we rehearsed for the Hiroshima Christmas program. Praise the Lord for our time together.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain...

Today I heard it again, "Oh my God," said the teacher. Then, she had the student repeat it after her in an effort to teach the student an English phrase to say when a moment of defeat occurs. I have heard this phrase countless times from Japanese teachers and students while teaching here in Japan. I think it began as a result of Japanese people watching English television programs in which the actors flagrantly used the phrase. Also, it seems that non-Christian English teachers here in Japan have taught the phrase, or at least reinforced the phrase. Typically, the phrase is used when some degree of a defeat or failure occurs during an English game in class. Unfortunately, the meaning of the phrase is not fully understood by the people here and they really have no idea that they are saying God's name in vain. I try to correct them when I hear it by saying, "oh no," or "that's too bad." Ultimately, I think it is tragic that it has continued to be taught to the children and thus it will continue into the next generations. To further complicate the matter, if I confront the teachers who are using the phrase and point out that it is offensive, then it is possible that I will be offensive, so I must be careful with my words. So, let's pray that the use of God's name in vain would not continue to be taught to the children and that I could speak the truth in love when correcting the teachers.

Monday, November 5, 2007

"Follow Jesus"

This past Saturday we prepared for the Christmas program. We began our time together with an English lesson. I tried a somewhat new approach this time. I used pictures to tell the story about Jesus gathering His disciples. I showed them the pictures and introduced the single words or phrases first and then I told the complete story while flipping the pictures and repeating the new words and phrases. I think this approach is effective because it utilizes short phrases without a lot of effort. Some of the phrases we taught were phrases such as, "Follow Jesus" or "Jesus was walking." Also, this approach allows the student to use verbs without having to over think. May the Lord continue to work upon the that they may be saved.