"Thanksgiving" in Japan is called "Kanshasai" or "Labor Thanksgiving" and it falls on 11/23 which is Friday. It is a national holiday. Since Japan is a company culture, the focus on "Labor" when giving thanks seems to be appropriate. For me, it is a time to reflect on God's provisions.
Here are just some of the things I am thankful for (I could probably go on for a long time, since GOD GIVES SO ABUNDANTLY!)
- the love of God (John 3:16)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever shall believe on Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."
- hope (Galatians 5:5)
- family and friends
- health
- the children's ministries
- my job
- God's blessing upon my Japanese language studies
- my apartment
- the clothes on my back
- clean air
- clean water
- the food in my stomach
- my car
- money in the bank
”テンクスギビング は かんしゃさい”
- かみさまのあい。
- かみさまをきたいする
- かぞくとともだち
- けんこう
- こどもにせんきょう
- わたしのしごと
- わたしのにほんごのべんきょう
- わたしのアパート
- わたしのふく
- きれいなくうき
- きれいなみず
- たべもの
- わたしのくるま
- すこしおかねがある
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