Wednesday, December 19, 2007

DISCOVERING HIS WILL FOR ME #2 神さまのけかくがわかています二番

Recently, God gave me a little more understanding. Before, it wasn't clear. After the the IGL interview God showed me that an English class at Daichi church would be a good thing. Little by little, I came to understand that an "Eikawa" class was particularly the best thing. Therefore, my first question was where would I live to teach in Yorishima and Hiroshima next year? Of course, Niimi is too far. Also, at this place I must have a job. But, where would that place be? Thanks to my company, they offered me two places. Tamano and Mihara. Tamano is next to Kurashiki. It's about 30 minutes from Yorishima. But it is 2 and a half hours to Hiroshima. It is a little far. However, Tamano is a beautiful place. But, Mihara is right in the middle of Yorishima and Hiroshima. It is only one hour from both Yorishima and Hiroshima. Therefore, Mihara is particularly the most convenient place! Therefore, in January I will request the position in Mihara. Praise the Lord!

さいきん、神さまは自分にすこしわかるのことがあげました。まえに、はっきりしないでした。IGLのインビューあとでかみさまが自分にだいちのきょうかいで英語のくらすのいいことがみせました。だんだん、自分はたいちのきょうかいで英会話がべつにいちばんのことがわかりました。たから、自分のきくは来年どこにすんでいで、寄島と広島で英語おしいえていますから? もちろん、新見はもとおいですよ。また、どこかでしごとがいります。でもそのところはどこですか?おかげで自分のかいしゃのところを二つでてきょうしています。玉のと三原です。玉のは倉敷のとなりです。寄島は三〇分にまでです。でも、広島は二時間半にまでです。ちょっととおいですね。でも、玉のがきれいなところです。三原は寄島と広島のなかです。寄島と広島も一時間までです。だから、三原がいちばんべんりなところですよ!たから、一月に自分は三原のしごとのことがたのんでいます。神さまをさんびする!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

nagisa and rio are very good friends! なぎちゃんとりおちゃんはとてもいいともだちです!

("Look at my shoes!" “私のくつをみてください!”)
Today at Joy Time was fun! Nagi-chan, Rio-chan, Yuki-chan, Youka-chan, and Saho came. We sang songs about God. Then, we practiced English. Then, we made Christmas cards. Afterward, we had lunch and sang more songs. It was very fun! Praise the Lord!
きょうはジョイタイムでたのしかったよ!なぎちゃん、りおちゃん、ゆきちゃん、ゆうかちゃん, と、さほちゃんがきました。神さまのうたをうたった。そして、英語のれんしゅうしました。それから、クリスマスカードをつくった。あとで、ひるごはんをたべて、もうちょっとうたった。とてもたのしかった!神さまをさんびするよ!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

DISCOVERING HIS WILL FOR ME...神さまのプランがならうんでいます。。。

Since September I have been teaching Sunday school every two weeks at "Daichi Church" a.k.a. "Happy Church" in Hiroshima. I was excited to take on a new project and felt that the Lord may have been calling me to Hiroshima. However, I was not completely sure. So, I continued to pray.

At the end of November, Lee sensei (the pastor of "Daichi Church" in Hiroshima), introduced me to Kato sensei who is part of the IGL (Internation Gospel League), which is a Christian organization that provides many services such as a senior citizen home, a nursing program, a kindergarten and a pre-school, among other services. As a result, Kato sensei set up an interview for me with the IGL chairman for a possible job opportunity to teach English at the kindergarten and pre-school. This way, I could be in Hiroshima and continue service with the "Daichi Church" and get invlolved with the other Hiroshima ministries. Not to mention, I would be working for a Christian organization.

As it turned out, the interview went well and we planned to meet again the following week with the kids so that I could see what things were like and make a final decision. After the interview I continued to seek the Lord and within a day the Lord spoke to me and I knew what I had to do. I knew that at this time, working for IGL was not what the Lord had in store for me next year. I was reminded that my two priorities at this time are:

  • being faithful to the Yorishima children's ministry and

  • studying Japanese (so that I may be available for greater service other than just teaching English in the near future).

Perhaps the Lord allowed me to experience a different situation in Hiroshima so that I could have a greater appreciation for my current situation and realize that I am right where I am supposed to be. Also, as a result I am now in contact with my Christian family in Hiroshima and I look forward to working together with them in the future if the Lord wills.

There is a good chance that in March my father and the Bard Sherman Gospel trio will be coming to perform outreach concerts in various Okayama and Hiroshima locations and that "Daichi church" will be one of these locations.

Really, I am just delighted to be where He wants me to be doing what he wants me to do, although I find myself a little too concerned about the future at times. The Lord continues to show me that "...tomorrow will worry about it's own things,"(Matt.6:34). Recently I was listening to Chuck Smith talking about God's will for our lives, and he said that every morning he gets up he asks that the Lord would do with him as He wills that day. Seems like a pretty good way to start the day!


十一月のおしまいにリー先生はわたしとかと先生といしょにはなしました。かと先生はIGLにつとめています。IGLはクリスチャンのかいしゃです。IGLはケアーホーム、かいごしのがっこう、ようちえん、プリスクルといろいろものがあります。 かとせんせいはIGLのチェアマヌせきにんしゃといしょうにインタビユーで、じぶんにようちえんとプリスクルの英語をおしえないか?といわれた。そうすれば、広島ににすんで、きようかいのいろいろことができる。もちろん、クリスチャンのかしゃはとてもいいかいしゃです。




ほんとに、私は神さまのしごとをするので、しあわせです。でも、ときどき、私はなやみます。そのときは、神さまは“明日のことを心配するのはやめなさい。 神は明日のことも心にかけてくださるのですから、一日一日を力いっぱい生き抜きなさい”(マタイの福音書6:34)と言っています。さいきん、チャくスミスせんせいのサーマンをききました。チャクせんせいはまいあさに 神さまのプランがほしいというた。だからこのことが一日のはじまりによいです。

Friday, December 7, 2007

寄島でクリスマスプログラム Yorishima Christmas Program


We sang together.

(Everybody and) Yurina gave out Christmas trees.

We had a party.
They got Christmas presents.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Last week at "Joy Time" Nagisa, Rio, Saho, Yuki, and Youka came. Pastor Mori also came. It was a nice suprise to see him. Nagisa read the children's book about the birth of Jesus and the others listened. Together we sang songs of praise to the Lord. Our English lesson was about time. We asked each other "what time is it?" and answered, "it's -- o'clock." Then, we prepared for the Christmas program which will be this Saturday. We decorated Christmas trees for the elderly people we will visit. Then, I helped Rio with her English. She is very good. She can read and she is only 11 years old!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007


When I first came to Noochi elementary school, I felt strong spiritual presence. I wasn't absolutely sure, but I could at least tell something was different about this place. As weeks went by and I continued coming every Tuesday, I began noticing more things.  I noticed a large paper mache devil. I noticed more thought based attacks from the enemy and even had a couple of panic attacks at different times. At first I associated them with the strong coffee I was drinking. But, perhaps there was more to it. Another clue to the spiritual warfare going on at this school became clear when a Buddhist monk came the school to play with the kids. Of the five schools I work at, this is the only school where this is happening. The monk and I ended up playing basketball together with the kids. Also, while I was at the gym I met a man who claimed to be a monk and he said he lived at Noochi. Then, just last week I noticed a strange building right next to the school. I asked one of the kids what the building was and he confirmed my suspicion that it was a temple.The temple is basically on school grounds. Suddenly my various experiences made sense.As I write and think about this little elementary school in the country side, I realize that there is spiritual warfare everywhere; in every town, city, state, and country. I want to be careful not to dwell upon such warfare since I know that in Jesus is with me and I am protected.

  • "...and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matthew28:20)
However, I also want to be aware of my surroundings. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour..."(1Peter5:8)

のうちのしょがこうははじめきたとき、つよいれいをかんじました。わからなかった、でもこのところになにかちがうとおもいました。 だだん、あたらしことがわかってきました。しょがこうのなかにおおき紙のあくまがありました。 わたしのこころにこうげきがありました。はじめはコーヒーのせいだとおもいました。まった、このしょうがこうでおぼうさんがきて、こどもとあそんでいました。このしょがこうしかおぼうさんがきません。わたしたちはいしょうにバスケとバルをしました。元気広場というジムでちがうおぼうさんにあいました。せんしゅうはしょがこうのとなりのちがうたてもをみつけました。がこうのこどもにたてものことをききました。しょがこうのこどものは“おてらです”といいました。 おてらはとてもちかくにある。だからすべてがわかりました。いま、わたしはこのいなかのしょうがこうのいたるところでれてきなせんそうがあるとおもいました。

  • “また、新しく弟子となった者たちには、あなたがたに命じておいたすべての戒めを守るように教えなさい。 わたしはこの世の終わりまで、いつもあなたがたと共にいるのです。」" マタイの福音書(取税人マタイの記録)"

イエスさまはわたしをまもてくれます。 でも、わたしのかんきょうにちゅういします。

  • "最大の敵である悪魔の攻撃に備えて、くれぐれも警戒しなさい。 悪魔は、飢えて、ほえたけるライオンのように、引き裂くべき獲物を求めて、うろつき回っているのです。"(ペテロからの手紙 Ⅰ5:8)"

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Today at "Joy Time" we had Nagisa, Saho, and Rio. We read the Christmas story and practiced for the Christmas program. The key words were, "God loves you" and "Happy Birthday Jesus." Afterward we practiced English, using the question, "What time is it?" and answering,"It's ---- o'clock." Then we played a card game using the phrases.
Today was particularly intersting because it was the first time for Saho and Rio to attend. Saho is eleven Rio is five years old. They are former NOVA students and they came because NOVA shut down. Their father is a Buddhist temple monk in nearby Kamogata.Setsuko told their mother that we share about Jesus and teach the Bible and she had no problem with that. Therefore, it seems that the Lord has brought these people our way that they may hear the truth. Praise the Lord! May His will be done.


きょう、“ジョイ タイム”でなぎさ、さほ、とりおがきました。わたしたちはクリスマスストーリをよんで、クリスマスプログラムをれんしゅしました。キワドはえいごで“かみさまはきみをあいしてる”と“イエスさまをたんじょびおめでとう。”そして、わたしたしたちはえいごをれんしゅしました。えいごで“なんじですか”そして“いまは__です”をれんしゅしました。そして、わたしたちはあたらしことばをならって、かるたであそびました。

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


"Thanksgiving" in Japan is called "Kanshasai" or "Labor Thanksgiving" and it falls on 11/23 which is Friday. It is a national holiday. Since Japan is a company culture, the focus on "Labor" when giving thanks seems to be appropriate. For me, it is a time to reflect on God's provisions.

Here are just some of the things I am thankful for (I could probably go on for a long time, since GOD GIVES SO ABUNDANTLY!)

  • the love of God (John 3:16)

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever shall believe on Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."

  • hope (Galatians 5:5)
  • family and friends
  • health
  • the children's ministries
  • my job
  • God's blessing upon my Japanese language studies
  • my apartment
  • the clothes on my back
  • clean air
  • clean water
  • the food in my stomach
  • my car
  • money in the bank 

”テンクスギビング は かんしゃさい”




  • かみさまのあい。


  • かみさまをきたいする 


  • かぞくとともだち
  • けんこう
  • こどもにせんきょう
  • わたしのしごと
  • わたしのにほんごのべんきょう
  • わたしのアパート
  • わたしのふく
  • きれいなくうき
  • きれいなみず
  • たべもの
  • わたしのくるま
  • すこしおかねがある

Monday, November 19, 2007

Trip to Osaka

This past weekend I visited my friend in Osaka. Hence, I did not attend "Joy Time." I had not seen my friend Yuh in about two or three years, so it was nice to visit him. We stayed at his friend Ryuji's house and we enjoyed playing music together on Saturday and Sunday. Since Yuh and the others who were around were not Christian, it was an interesting time for me. We were able to have good conversations about our what we are doing these days and I was even able to tell them, "Jesus loves you." Ryuji (jokingly) started calling me "holy teacher" after I told him I was teaching Sunday school in Hiroshima. Of course, I told him that I am far from holy (apart from Christ), and that is for sure. He asked about my blog and if it was in Japanese which made me decide to begin writing a Japanese translation starting with this entry (please forgive my many mistakes). Overall, the Lord's will was done and at least I was able to be an example for Christ. Therefore, I was thankful.


Sunday, November 11, 2007



  • This past weekend was more of the same...but that is a good thing! In Yorishima we met with the usual group of girls, although Nagisa couldn't make it. We rehearsed for the Yorishima Christmas program and then we practiced speaking English.


  • The next day I was off to Hiroshima to teach Sunday school. During Sunday school I introduced the words of Little Drummer Boy to the group using large flash cards I made with both English and Japanese on each card. We played sugoroku using the cards and then we sang "Jesus loves me." Mrs. Lee, Lee sensei's wife, told me that the children were singing it everyday this week. Praise the Lord!
  • After lunch we had the usual English lesson. The subject was Thanksgiving. I told a short story about Thanksgiving in America and then we played "Pin the feather on the turkey" and another game called, "How many turkey's Mr. Pilgrim?" It was BIG TIME fun!!!
  • After the English lesson, we rehearsed for the Hiroshima Christmas program. Praise the Lord for our time together.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain...

Today I heard it again, "Oh my God," said the teacher. Then, she had the student repeat it after her in an effort to teach the student an English phrase to say when a moment of defeat occurs. I have heard this phrase countless times from Japanese teachers and students while teaching here in Japan. I think it began as a result of Japanese people watching English television programs in which the actors flagrantly used the phrase. Also, it seems that non-Christian English teachers here in Japan have taught the phrase, or at least reinforced the phrase. Typically, the phrase is used when some degree of a defeat or failure occurs during an English game in class. Unfortunately, the meaning of the phrase is not fully understood by the people here and they really have no idea that they are saying God's name in vain. I try to correct them when I hear it by saying, "oh no," or "that's too bad." Ultimately, I think it is tragic that it has continued to be taught to the children and thus it will continue into the next generations. To further complicate the matter, if I confront the teachers who are using the phrase and point out that it is offensive, then it is possible that I will be offensive, so I must be careful with my words. So, let's pray that the use of God's name in vain would not continue to be taught to the children and that I could speak the truth in love when correcting the teachers.

Monday, November 5, 2007

"Follow Jesus"

This past Saturday we prepared for the Christmas program. We began our time together with an English lesson. I tried a somewhat new approach this time. I used pictures to tell the story about Jesus gathering His disciples. I showed them the pictures and introduced the single words or phrases first and then I told the complete story while flipping the pictures and repeating the new words and phrases. I think this approach is effective because it utilizes short phrases without a lot of effort. Some of the phrases we taught were phrases such as, "Follow Jesus" or "Jesus was walking." Also, this approach allows the student to use verbs without having to over think. May the Lord continue to work upon the that they may be saved.

Monday, October 29, 2007

"Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the Children of the World..."

This weekend I had to work on Saturday so I was unable to attend Joy Time in Yorishima. But, I was told by Setsuko that there was another festival in Yorishima, so once again Youka and Yu came by a little early for a short time and Nagisa joined them afterward. Also, Mori sensei (Pastor Mori's wife) joined Setsuko to teach the children. I was told that Nagisa read some Bible stories and some scriptures too. Nagisa really likes reading. Praise the Lord she can read God's Word.

On Sunday I taught Sunday School at Happy Church in Hiroshima with Dr. Lee. Our lesson was in English with translation into Japanese and Korean since more than half of the church is from Korea. It was based on the story about how Jesus gathered His disciples. Jesus loved His disciples and so I used this point to lead into the song, "Jesus Loves Me." Although this is a common song for children in America, many of the children do not know it here in Japan. As a result, we were blessed to learn such a simple and wonderful song about the Lord Jesus Christ and His love for us. Then, we played games using the phrase (in English), "Jesus loves me..."
After lunch I taught an English lesson. The church believes that English is an important skill and that it is also good for reaching out to the community. Therefore, the goal of this lesson time is to bring kids to the church who would not normally attend otherwise. May the Lord lead us in reaching the community.
Finally, Emi (the piano teacher) and I rehearsed the music for the Christmas program which will take place December 16th. Next time, the children will join us for rehearsal and we will be teaching them the songs, "The Little Drummer Boy," and "Silent Night." May God bless our preparations.

Monday, October 22, 2007

God Is Working

This past Saturday there was another festival for the kids in Yorishima so Youka and Yu came a little early for a short time (before I showed up) and Setsuko was able to hang out them. They read the story of Jonah and the whale and then they did a puzzle based on the story. I showed up just as they were finishing the puzzle and then they left shortly afterward. Then, Nagisa showed up with her new English game. We helped her study the new vocabulary from the game and then it was time to go. Overall, it was nice to see the children's willingness to come, even when they didn't have a lot of time. It is particularly encouraging because I know that it means that the Lord is working among us. His will be done.

Recently I have felt a burden to pray for Niimi, the city where I work and live during the week. As a result, I have begun nightly prayer walks around the city. I believe that the Lord has placed me in Niimi for a reason and as a result I believe it is time to pray for this city in mountains, that the people may be saved. "And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and [also] much cattle?" (Jonah 4:11)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Jesus Is Always Ready!

This past Saturday we met with Naigisa, Yuki, Youka, and Yu. Recently, as the Lord has been leading, we have decided to emphasize prayer and sharing about Jesus. Granted, we have been sharing about Jesus the entire time we have been meeting with these kids, but it's time to take it to the next level. Therefore, we want to equip the children to be able to pray to the one true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and when they are ready, we want them to understand why and how they can receive Jesus Christ. Therefore, we began our time together with prayer and then had our English lesson which was a repeat from last week them on clothes, asking the question, "What are you wearing?" Afterward, Setsuko talked with them for a bit, sharing with them that Jesus loves us so much and that He is always ready to receive us. Yuki, in particular seemed to be listening intently. May God's will be done.

This past Sunday Setsuko and I shared our testimonies at Takeshima church. It was a blessed time and I was very encouraged particularly when Mrs. Mori spoke with me afterward and prophesied that in the future I will be a missionary (and not an English teacher) in Japan. This prophetic statement is in line with what the Lord has been speaking to my heart. Therefore, I look forward to learning more about the particulars of His will. It is so encouraging when the Lord uses others to bless us with further knowledge of His plans for us.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Yesterday at Joy Time we had Nagisa, Youka, Nanako, and Natsumi. As usual, the kids were responsive to the Bible story about Jesus calming the storm. Setsuko related the story to the Shinto ritual "Matsuri festival" which is going on this weekend. Since during this festival they worship the shrine god of Yorishima town, and in each town throughout Japan they do the same thing, thus each town has its own shrine/god; hence the Japanese people believe in many gods, she made her point by telling them that these many gods each have their own festival but when the festival ends so does the joy of the celebration.
Setsuko used this opportunity to tell them more about the one true God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and that every day is joyful with Jesus. The kids were surprised to find out that having a relationship with the one true God and savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, means knowing Him on a daily basis. Furthermore, when they realized that knowing Him daily meant having joy daily also, they became excited and even more curious.
Our English lesson was based on clothes, so we asked the question, "What are you wearing?" and answered with, "I'm wearing...." We played sugaroku at the end and another day at Joy Time was concluded.

Today, I was able to go to Hiroshima and teach Sunday school and an English lesson for the first time. Truly, this seems to be an answer to prayer since I have been praying that God would lead me regarding what to do in the future.
Today I was encouraged to find out that both Lee sensei and his wife had been praying for a native English speaker to come and teach English at the church. So, it seems that both of our prayers have been answered. Praise the Lord!
They believe that English is an important skill and is a great ministry opportunity. Lee sensei has been able to gain relationships with the members of the community and as a result he has been able to invite non-Christians to the church to enjoy activities such as drawing lessons, piano lessons, and now English lessons. Through such outreaches, God has allowed the church to grow and souls have become saved. Praise the Lord! I am excited to begin being a part of this ministry and I look forward to seeing what the Lord has planned.
Already, through the network of church members and the Christian community, I have been invited to teach Gospel based English lessons at some Christian schools. I am encouraged to see that there is a variety of opportunities to serve the Lord in Hiroshima. Praise the Lord! May His will be done.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

"I like Jesus...Amen."

Today we felt the weather change here in Yorishima. I actually wore a sweater! (Yahoo! My kind of weather!) Nagisa, Yuki, Youka, and Youka attended our usual Joy Time. We played musical instruments, sang songs, learned some English, and read a Bible story. Afterward, we visited Nagisa's father's store. Today was the opening day. On the car ride over there Jesus came up in our conversation. Nagisa said, " I like Jesus." Afterward, we came back to Yorishima with Nagisa and we had dinner with the Sumida's (Setsuko's family). Setsuko prayed for the meal and Nagisa participted by first saying let's pray, and then with an Amen. Setsuko's family are not Christians so they never say Amen, but they allow Setsuko to pray for the meals. So, it was nice to see Nagisa responding to Jesus in these small ways, knowing that over these past months Nagisa has grown in her understanding of Jesus. It is encouraing to see her willingness to pray and to read about Him, especially since I can remember when she first heard about Jesus she didn't have much of a response at all. Of course, it is our hope and prayer that she could be saved, preferably right now, but that is God's job and we'll have to wait for His timing. In the mean time, it is time to be thankful for the little things.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


This past Saturday was the Yorishima elementary school Sports festival, so we weren't able to meet with the kids. We visited the festival and enjoyed seeing the kids doing their relay races and make a human pyramid!
On Sunday I was able to venture down to Hiroshima and visit Lee sensei and his church. I met Lee sensei a couple of months ago at a Christian gathering. He has invited me to teach a combination Sunday School/English class beginning October 7th. In addition we will be preparing a Christmas program with the children. The church is active in the community and is seeking to expand its outreach services with things like English classes, etc. Fortunately, Lee sensei has been able to establish relationships with the parents of the children so there is potential to reach many. For me, this may be an answer to prayer since I have been praying about what to do next and Lee sensei would like to get a Gospel based English program started. If all goes well, I will probably get transferred to Hiroshima after this school year in March and establish a new post. God's will be done.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Today in Yorishima Nagisa was the only one who come to "Joy Time" since the others were preoccupied with the Yorishima school Sports Festival. Every year Japanese schools host a number of festivals where the staff and students celebrate a variety of subjects which include things like Sports, Culture, and our Elders. The schools I work for in Niimi will be having their festival tomorrow.
So, while Nagisa was hanging out she requested to read some Bible stories about Jesus. After she read, she asked Setsuko, "How does a Shepard know all the names of the sheep?" Setsuko said, " Just like your teacher knows the names of all the students, the Shepard knows the names of the sheep."Then Nagisa asked, "But, all the sheep look the same?" So, Setsuko replied, "Well, the Shepard is a professional and an expert in knowing his sheep...Just like God is an expert in knowing His people and He will search for them when they are lost."
The last part of the story that Nagisa read was about the celebration that the Shepard held after he found the lost sheep. So Setsuko summed it up telling Nagisa, "If you are away from God you are lost just like the lost sheep. But God wants to find you and bring you back because He is the good Shepard." Then she asked Nagisa, "Do you believe in God?" Nagisa replied, "Yes I do." Praise the Lord for these baby steps that seem to be taking place. His will be done.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Last night I went to the usual Monday night Bible study in Niimi. During that time, Jenny Horai (the host of the study), requested PRAYER FOR THE NIIMI CHURCH since they are in need of a new building. She had even prepared a short booklet with pictures and descriptions made specifically for the purpose of asking for prayer regarding a new building. The current church building is actually a home and frankly there just isn't very much space, not to mention the building itself is very old. So, I would also like to request prayer for the Niimi church, that the Lord would provide a new building. God's will be done.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Little Drummer Boy (take 2)

GESTURE GAME (in action!)
Nagisa, Yuki, Youka, Mana Naotoka, Nanako, and Yu came to Joy Time. Praise the Lord! We continued with our rehearsal of Little Drummer Boy for the Christmas program and then Setsuko told the story of song again. Although Christmas is a while away, we are hoping they will learn a few different songs. Hence, the earlier they learn them the better. During the story time the kids were quick to shout out things like "Jesus" and "God" (in Japanese) which meant they were following the story. Even when we were finished singing, some of the kids were humming the melody of Little Drummer Boy... I smiled inside as I noticed them. Toward the end we enjoyed playing an English gesture game where the students form a line and gesture an animal or an object the person in front of them until it reaches the front of the line whereupon the person in front says the name of the gestured object in English.

I have been seeking the Lord about what is next, what I ought to be preparing for and He has made it clear that it is time to wait upon Him, (which means "chill out" and be here in Japan). Could be for a short time, could be for a while. Through this understanding, the Lord has been blessing my study of the Japanese language, thus I have started studying to take the level 4 Japanese Language Proficiency Test in December. It is only the beginning level for Japanese proficiency, but it is a step closer to fluency. There are 4 levels; 1 being the highest and 4 the lowest, (level 3 is daily conversation). Perhaps the following year, God willing, I will be able to pass level 3. Why is all of this important? Well, it is important because one of the verses that the Lord continues to place upon my heart is 1Cor. 9:22, where Paul wrote, "...I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." Hence, learning Japanese is essential to reaching the Japanese people. Therefore, the Lord is encouraging me to be, "all things (Japanese) to all men (Japanese people), that I might by all means save some (Japanese people)."

Friday, August 31, 2007

Little Drummer Boy (take 1)

Today we had our usual time with the "Joy Time" kids. Nagisa, Youka, Yuki, and Natsu came. It was Natsu's first time, praise the Lord! For our English lesson we practiced the alphabet and then we sang songs. We sang "Aisarerutame" which has become a favorite among the children and then we began our rehearsal for the Christmas program. We will be singing for the Yorishima senior citizen's home in December, so today we began rehearsing "Little Drummer Boy." Then we all sang and Setsuko played piano and I played snare drum. Then Setsuko told them the story behind the song, hence she told them about the birth of Jesus. Afterward, we continued playing instruments. During my summer vacation in America I was able to bring back a small snare drum, so I will definitely be putting it to use here, especially since Setsuko has an electric piano and the kids enjoy playing percussion toys with us.

Vacation Bible School (August 28-29)

We held Vacation Bible School at the community center in Yorishima. Our overall theme was "Jesus Loves You." We were blessed with the attendance of Youka, Yuki, Mana, Nagisa, Fubuki, Arashi, Fua, Tomoki, Eichi, and Riho. Eichi's parents joined us along with Riho's mother and even Pastor Mori and his wife joined us too! The first day we had a bowling alley with the theme, "With Jesus you can 'knock down' the challenges you face!" We sang "Jesus loves me this I know," and "Aisarerutame" which means "You are loved by God." Then we told the story of Jesus' birth and had the students match the pictures with the
parts of the story we had cut up and handed out. We had a craft table where we decorated plates which became picture frames when we placed our pictures in the middle of them.
TOMOKI and ME (Best Buddies!)
The next day we had an obstacle course with different stations such as origami, a puzzle, scripture reading (John 3:16), bowling, and a soccer challenge. We sang "Jesus loves me this I know," and "Aisarerutame" (You are loved by God) again and then had the kids perform a skit based on John chapter 21:1-11 where Jesus told Peter to cast his nets to the right whereupon Peter caught 153 fish after he had caught nothing the night before. Then we had a scavenger hunt.

PETER and JESUS (played by Arashi and Tomoki)
For most of the kids it was their first time to hear about and/or read the Bible. Yuki told us that her sister Youka was singing "Aisarerutame" in the morning at her house before she came on the second day. The kids really enjoyed singing both songs, (hopefully they'll remember the message). Also, everybody was excited to take part in the skit, although usually kids here are hesitant to participate. Hence, it was great to see them willing to participate. We hope and pray that the hearts of the children will be open to receive Jesus in the future. God's will be done.

We used PET bottles and a rubber ball and the kids just loved it! It was a big hit! We all had a great time...Praise the Lord!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Cast your nets to the right side..."

Alright, I am back from a nice summer spent in the U.S. It is very hot and humid here. This past Saturday we got together with the Yorishima kids as usual. It was nice to see them again after having been gone for a few weeks. We continued in our usual way; songs, English lessons, and Bible stories. We took a new approach with the Bible story this time, instead of Setsuko reading and the kids listening, I read and they helped me read when I had trouble. The Lord has put it on my heart to learn Japanese so that I can be as Paul wrote, "...all things to all men." So, it seems this interactive approach to reading Japanese Bible children's stories is good for everyone. Today's story was from John 21, about when Jesus told His disciples to throw their nets back into the water after they had fished all night and caught nothing. When they obeyed, they caught many fish. In summary, we told the kids that when Jesus tells to you do something and you obey, you will be blessed in some way. I have come to see that "Joy Time" has become somewhat of a hang out time, and the kids don't really care about the formality of the lessons. They just like being together.

Monday, August 20, 2007

You Are Loved...Precious Ones!

Updated by Setsuko

This week was extremely hot in Japan. It was record-breaking! Despite the fact of this hot weather, kids came back! Youka&Yuki, Mana&Nao, and Nagisa. I have a chance to talk to Youka and Yuki's grandparents, yesterday, and they said they enjoy coming to Joy Time, Praise the Lord. It is yet a small gathering, but it is very important for my home town. There is no Christian church in my home town. God saved me for reasons. He knew that I will be here to share His love a long before I was born. At Sunday service this week, Pastor Mori spoke about Esther. The famous verse from the book, "...Such a time as this..." in 4:14 vividly came upon on my heart. There is a clear purpose of my life in God. The good news has come to the town. For this reason, I am still living, living for Jesus. Even though I am facing some difficulties of my life in Japan, God is encouraging me to stand up.

This week, I started with songs. We sung "You Are Loved" in Japanese. After the song, I shared how much God loves them. They like the song, but I hope that they get the message within the song. On August 28&29, Tyler and I are planning "Vacation Bible School in Yorishima Town". I made flyer last week and handed it to Children. Please pray for VBS. It may be the first VBS in this town. There is no story time today, but I explained about what is the Bible. Since VBS flyer has a word "Bible", and no one knew what that means, I wanted to explain the Bible. I also told them that the stories that I told them in past weeks were from the Bible. I also did survey game called, "Who is a good boy/girl?" I challenged them with some of "Ten commandment" questions. For instance, "Have you ever told a lie?" They were so honest and there was not anyone who think herself/himself is a good person. They want to know the answer why they are not good. I told them "Come to VBS!" They are ready!

Please continously pray for the precious ones.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Summer is not over yet...

Updated by Setsuko

For this week Joy Time, we have Youka and Yuki, Mana and Naotaka, and Nagisa came back. Children seem to enjoy coming to my place to hang out.Today's lesson was the new one. I brought Math Lesson in English. I presented number cards, plus, minus, and equal cards. They picked up the numbers and signs to showed me, and then said the equation in English. It was a quite advance for the first grader, but Youka (1st grade) used to learn English and she is good at, so everyone enjoyed. "Three plus two equal five!" Kids were very interested in doing the new lesson. They were so creative bringing numbers to match.

We tried the new song called "kimi wa ai sareru tameni umareta" In English, "You are Loved". Since I have piano, I can teach some songs, yet my piano is not really good. Kids love to sing and they requested song time twice the day.

Then, we called Tyler again through Skype. Everyone called him, "Tyler Sensei" (sensei means teacher in Japanese) When I told them, what would you like to do next? Would you like to talk to Tyler? Their eyes were shining, and responded "YES!!!!" They miss him... After they have talked on the PC phone, I showed the place where Tyler is in now on the map. Country side kids are becoming more international!!!

Today's Bible Story was continuous story of Jonah. I read the summary of Chapter 4 of Jonah. There are ways to understand how the story ends in the book, but I included the powerful God could do anything before our eyes. God provide anything and take it away. Children were not interested in listening to the story because I did not have a visual thing to present. Next time, I will prepare something that catches their eyes while I talk. Thank God for this learning experience through Joy Time.

We enjoyed Snow Cone Parlor again. While they have snow cone, they are so quiet! The ice freezes brain, hehehe! It is still hot in Japan, and they really enjoy the cool treat!

I am not sure how God is leading me for this, but week by week, the precious kids and I have more bonding as friends. Besides the Bible Story time, they are willing to learn English. I am asking God for the help. I am not quite comfortable doing all this by myself. It is hard for giving up the hope of this ministry, but this is definitely a battle field here, and tell you the truth it is really hard for me to survive here alone. Joy of the Lord is my strengths... I know it, but I am experiencing weakness lately.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Story of Jonah, Summer Specials!

Reported by Setsuko:

Our usual time on Saturday morning, God brought children again, Praise the Lord. There were three set of sisters(one brother);Youka and Yuki, Mana and Naotaka, Miwa and Rino (new comers). I started with our usual song, Good Morning, How are you... I have a new elec. piano, so I used it for backing up our singing. It took them a while to warm up. They did not start singing until 3rd time round. God encouraged me to continue. I am still doing review of English lesson. This week again, animal. They love to remember the name of the animals. In last week Joy Time, they picked the animal flash cards that they know. I added more animals this week for them to remember. Then, find me... game. This week is getting harder for them because more number of animals. I called the name of the animal, and they pick it the right one. I even called the name of the animals which were not not limited the ones they chose, so they tried to listen to me carefully to get the right ones. They enjoyed a lot.

Summer Special (part 1)

We Skyped (Internet Phone) to Tyler during Joy Time. Children miss him. They often asked me when he will be coming back. They were so interested in hearing Tyler's voice through my computer. Our new friends introduced themselves on the phone, and we also sung the usual "morning song" to him. It was precious moment for all of us. Thank God for the technology we have!

For story time, I read the story of Jonah again. Last time, I only read the story to Youka, so decided to read the same story again with all of them. I also explained to our new friends that I always read the Bible story at Joy Time. I stopped the story after Jonah got to Nineveh, so I am planning to conclude the story next time.

Summer Special (part 2)

I prepared Snow Cone Parlor. I got a shaved-ice machine and some flavours, and let them try making Snow Cone. It is very fun to make it and cools them off in the summer heat. They loved it so much, so I should try it again. After eating the snow cone, Youka asked me why dog is made so cute. I told her, "God made the dog so cute, Youka." I continued, " God made you so special, too, Youka." Then she asked me "Where is God?" I told her, "God is within my heart." She replied me with very cute answer. She said, " I go find him taking airplane." Her God is still far away from where she is now, yet she started to quest for the truth. I usually walk back to Youka's house together, so on the way back to my house, I prayed her and other children who came to Joy Time, today. Thank you, Jesus!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Being Honest/ Story of Jonah

Updated by Setsuko:

Since Tyler is taking a summer off until the end of August, God allows me to keep Joy Time during this summer. I have been praying about how I am going to open this Joy Time without brother's help, but God encouraged me to keep it as long as children are coming back. Praise the Lord for today's Joy Time. Youka showed up first, and she told me no one else would come with her today, so I started the program with her. I was surprised Youka was calling up with her friends to come to Joy Time together. Today's English lesson was..."Find me a ... " Basically, it was matching game with animal picture cards. I played only with Youka. She enjoyed and was very good learning /reviewing what she has learnded previous weeks. The Story time(Bible Lesson) was about Jonah. I wanted to share this story for a long time. It is a famous story of "The Great Fish and Jonah". Youka listened the story very well. Then all of the sudden, many children came when Youka started her homework. There were Youka's sister Yuki, another Yuki and her sister Miki, and Mana and her brother Naotaka ( first time attending Joy time). Some broght their homeworks. As Japanese children study hard during summer, they have to keep up all the assignments. I helped them as they needed. While I was helping Miki, the oldest one, 15 years old, Youka brought my toy tiara. Unfortunately, it was broken. Youka said, "it is broken." I said, "who broke it." Youka stepped on it, and broke it. She had a hard time admitting that she did it. I told Youka, " I am not angry just because you broke my tiara, but I will be disappointed if you did not say "I am sorry." After a while, She said..."I am sorry." She cried.... I gave her hug, and told her, I am very proud of you that you were able to say "I am sorry." I continued to tell her about loving God. God likes our honesty. I told her the tiara is not really important, but it is more important for you to be honest. God loves you so much, Youka... Through this incidence, other children also listened to what I have talked to Youka. It was a practical lesson for everyone and was ultimately a message for today. Let God work within these children, and let them know the truth of God.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Today at Joy Time we had some new guests. Setsuko's high school friend Shinji brought his 3 year old daughter named Kotoe and his friend Rie brought her 11 month old son named Shotaro. Praise the Lord for their attendance! Also, Youka, Nagisa, Mana, Yuki, and Yuki were there. As usual we began with our good morning song and English lesson. Today's Bible lesson was about Jesus' love for children. It was based on Matt. 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16, and Luke 18:15. The point was that Jesus is never too busy to show us He loves us. After our lesson, we played charades and hide-n-seek. Also, it was Youka's birthday so we had some cake and sang happy birthday to her. The kids did not want to go home! Praise the Lord for the joyful time (at "Joy time"!!!) we had today!
Niimi Outreach
Since summer vacation has officially began and I am no longer in Niimi, the Bible study and outreach is on break and will resume in September. I look forward to seeing the fresh new ways that the Lord has planned when I return.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Today we were blessed with the presence of Arashi who is Nagisa's brother. It was his first time coming to "Joy Time". Praise the Lord! Youka, Mana, and Nagisa were also there, and we were very blessed to see them too. We began in our usual way (with our song and an English lesson). For our Bible lesson we reviewed the past Bible studies. We began by asking them the same question as in weeks past, "Who is your teacher?" The students shared about their teachers from school and then Setsuko told them that Jesus was her teacher and the ultimate teacher for everyone. We told them that God is not only our teacher, but our Father, and the students were quick to remember last week's lesson about the prodigal son. So, as Setsuko discussed the attributes of a father, she asked them what they thought of their fathers or father figures. They mentioned kindness, discipline, respect, and admiration. In summary, Setsuko asked them, when they do something wrong, "What do you say?" They answered, "I'm sorry." Then Setuko asked them, "What does your father do after you say you are sorry?" They agreed that their fathers forgave them and told them, "I love you." So, Setsuko made sure to tell them, that God our Father, also forgives us and tells us that He loves us too. The students were eager to share during the review session, and while sharing, they continued to show that they are comprehending the Bible lessons from weeks past. Praise the Lord!

Niimi Outreach
This week in Niimi I was able to share my faith with a fellow teacher while at the gym. Although our conversation did not lead to anything particularly fascinating, I was reminded that the Holy Spirit continues to move in quiet and subtle ways; ways that I am not always aware of or do not completely understand. When I look back, by His grace I am able to see His work, and I am thankful for such opportunities. May He be glorified. Amen!

Friday, July 6, 2007


Today at Joy Time we were blessed with the presence of Nagisa, Youka, and Mana (yes, like the food God gave to the Israelites in the wilderness!) Mana is Youka's friend and it was her first time visiting us today. The kids are arriving earlier these days which means they are excited to come. Praise the Lord! We began with our usual song and then we studied English, although Nagisa asked that we begin with our Bible story! She is hungry for the Word! Hallelujah! Nevertheless, we continued with the English lesson which was about sports and was a continuation from last week. Finally, after our lesson (as Nagisa patiently waited), it was time for the Bible story/lesson. Today's story was about the Prodigal son from Luke 15:11-31. The theme we focused on was saying, "I'm sorry." We told them about the prodigal son and how he came back to his father after his rebellion and said he was sorry for what he had done. We told them how his father welcomed him with open arms and said, "I love you." We told them we are all like the prodigal son and that God is our Father and that when we come back to the Lord and say we are sorry for what we have done, He welcomes us with open arms and says, "I love you." Thus, when we tell God that we are sorry for disobeying Him, He forgives us, because He loves us so much. The children listened attentively and it was a blessed time. Afterward we played the sports gesture game. Once again, what a privilege it is to share truth and love with one another.

Niimi Bible Study/Outreach

It seems things are slowing down with the Bible study, but the fellowship between us continues. Despite being unable to get together again for Bible study, Darren and I were able to have a couple edifying conversations while at the gym. We discussed future ministry opportunities that we may take part in, in the Okayama area, such as "Drumming for Jesus". Since Darren plays in a Tycho group and I also play drums, I would like to start a Christian drumming group called "Drumming for Jesus," which plays in public places with the intention of evangelizing. I have done it alongside Highway 1 in Big Sur and in the Santa Cruz area, so perhaps we will be able to bring it over to Japan. We are both excited about the potential so we will see what the Lord has in store. Also, we were able to bear each other's burdens and encourage one another. For the moment, as school is winding down and the students are busy finishing up, things are in kind of on hold and in transition here in Niimi. So, I am curious to see what will develop this September after summer vacation is over. Nevertheless, the Lord continues to bless us. Praise the Lord!

Monday, July 2, 2007


June 30, 2007
Today we met in Setsuko's room since it was very hot and humid outside. We were blessed to have Nagisa, Youka, Yuki, Yuki (same name), and Miki. We began with our usual song and then we had an English lesson about sports. After the lesson, we had our Bible lesson which was about lost sheep based on Luke 15:4-6. During this time, Setsuko asked the children what they would do if they had 100 sheep and one them was lost. Would they search for the one even though they already had 99? The children were quick to say that they would search for the one! Then Sesuko told them that Jesus would also search for the one lost sheep. She told them that we are also like lost sheep and that Jesus wants to find us because He loves us. It was a privelege to see the children begin to gain a personal understanding about the way Jesus feels about us. Praise the Lord!
Niimi Bible Study/Outreach
This week Darren, Shu, and I were unable to meet. However, Shu and I were able to get together during an adventure to Kurashiki. We reviewed what we had been studying and talked about our personal walks with Lord. Shu told me how he had recently shared his faith with a fellow classmate and that afterward, his friend emailed him and said, "Thank you for Jesus" in the subject line. It seems that the Lord is using Shu to share the Gospel with his classmates. Praise the Lord!
June 23, 2007
Today was a beautiful sunny day in Yorishima, and it was also very humid. As a result, the children asked that we do Joy Time inside today. We were blessed with the presence of the faithful Nagisa, Yuki, and Youka. We began with our usual song and studying the English names of animals. We played the karuta game using the animal flash cars and then Setsuko read today's Bible story. She began by reviewing last week's theme, "Hearing and doing." It was a great blessing to see that the children are comprehending. They were quick to mention "Iesu-sama," which means "Lord Jesus." ("Kami-sama" literally means "God," so you can see how Iesu + sama work together to say, "Lord Jesus"). Praise the Lord for these children who have been given ears to hear! Today's story was, "The Good Samaritan." Setsuko read from Luke 10:25-28, 37. In correlation with last week's theme, "Hearing and doing," this week's theme was, "Go and do." I cannot say enough how exciting it is to see these children faithfully attending each week and attentively listening and comprehending God's word. Praise the Lord! After story time, we played animal pictionary. It was a blessed time for us all! Praise the

Niimi Bible Study/Outreach
This week in Niimi Shu and I got together for Bible study and what a blessed time it was. We studied John 2:1-5. The Holy Spirit led us into greater understanding, specifically in verse 4 when Jesus said to Mary, "My hour has not yet come." It was a blessing to go over Jesus' reference to His crucifixion in this statement. It allowed us to go over what it means to be a Christian and what had to happen so that we could be reunited with our Lord! What a pleasure it is to share in the knowledge of God's Word and to see Shu, who is very new to studying the Word, begin to understand. Then, to hear him say (after we finished our study), "I really want to study the Bible more!" May his hunger continue and the Holy Spirit continue His great work in our lives! As for the outreach at Niimi college, I was able to go on campus this passed Wednesday, however, recently it has been hard to breakthrough and to reach the students. Of course, it has been raining, so that makes it difficult to talk to students. But overall, it just seems as though they are not interested even when we have been able to talk. So, I will continue to pray for the Niimi College students and see where the Lord leads. Nevertheless, I am very thankful for the men's study that has developed in Niimi and will be content if that is what the Lord has purposed for me for the duration of my stay there. Praise the Lord!
June 16, 2007
This week at Joy Time we were blessed to have Nagisa, Youka, and Yuki in attendance. They are regulars of Joy Time and it is great to have them with us each week. Praise the Lord! Also, we were blessed with the attendance of Pastor Mori from Takeshima Chapel! He has a very busy schedule and so we were very thankful that he had time to fellowship with us today. Praise the Lord! We began in our usual way by singing our good morning song and then having our English lesson. Today's English lesson was again on colors. We went around and asked eachother, "What color is it?" and "What color do you like?" Then it was story time. Today's story continued with the theme, "Who is your teacher?" The story today was called, "Hearing and Doing," (taken from the book, A Child's First Story of Jesus). The story was taken from the Sermon on the Mount and emphasized Matthew 7:24-25 (hence the title). The children listened attentively while Setsuko read in English and translated into Japanese. After the story we played Bingo. Yuki was the first get bingo and she received the top prize...a battery operated fan! "Woo-hoo!" What a blessed time it was. May these children be hearers and doers of the Word in the future!

Niimi Bible Study Outreach

This week I went to Niimi college and talked with students. It seemed that this time was a time for on campus prayer in between meeting students, since I was not able to directly share the Gospel with any of them. Also, our Thursday night Bible study did not meet, since both Shu and Darren were busy. This is a good time to wait upon the Lord for His timing, to rest, and to give thanks.

June 9, 2007
Today at "Joy Time" we were again blessed with some new faces! Setsuko's high school friend Miyuki Ueda brought three children; her son Tomokazu-chan, and two daughters, Nana-chan, and Yuina-chan. Overall, our students included the Ueda family along with Youka-chan and Yuki-chan. Praise the Lord for our time together! We began in our usual way, singing our song and having an English lesson. Today's lesson was about colors. It was review for some of the usual students, however it was good practice for all. Continuing with our theme from last week, we again asked the question, "Who is your teacher?" The students shared the names of their elementary school teachers and then we reminded them that Jesus is the ultimate teacher. So, continuing with the theme, (the teachings of Jesus), Setsuko read and translated, "Love your enemies," from the book: A Children's First Story of Jesus. It was a simplified version of Matthew 5:44. As shown in the picture, the children listened attentively. Afterward, we played our usual sugoroku game using the colors we had learned. When we finished sugoroku we had snack time and enjoyed hanging out together. Once again it was a blessed time for all who attended.

Niimi Bible Study/Outreach
This week was very challenging for me. Beginning on Saturday in Yorishima, I was very sick after I caught the flu and had a 100.9 fever! I barely had enough energy to teach my classes on Monday as I began my work week in Niimi, but God strengthened and I made it through. Praise the Lord! My energy was very low throughout most of the week, so I decided it was wise to rest and recover when I could. As a result, I did not reach out to the Niimi college students after work on Wednesday as I had planned. Nevertheless, by Thursday, I was able to prepare the study. Praise the Lord! Shu was not able to attend so Darren and I were able to finish up the first chapter of the gospel of John. We were blessed as the Holy Spirit led our time together. John 1:43-51 proved to be very edifying and interesting, particularly in verse 51 when Jesus spoke prophetically to Nathanael and the rest of the disciples, referencing Genesis 28 and Jacob's prophetic dream. Overall, we had a great study and great fellowship even though it was just the two of us. It was a truly blessed time. Praise the Lord!

June 2, 2007
Today at Joy Time we were blessed with the presence of some new people. Praise the Lord! The new people today included Sayaka-chan, who is a friend of Youka-chan (pictured together on the right), along with the Masuhara family. The Masuhara family includes 9 year old Minami-chan and 3 year old Hajime-chan, along with their father Masuhara-san (not pictured) and mother Michiru-san who is holding Hamjime-chan in the picture. The Masuhara family are Christians who attend Takeshima Chapel. What a blessing it was to be among other family in Christ! Overall, we were blessed with the attendance of 6 students; Nagisa, Youka, Minami, Sayaka, Minami, and Hajime! Once again, Praise the Lord!

In addition, Setsuko's new job at an elementary school in Fukuyama city is the same school that Minami attends! Furthermore, nine year old Minami is a believer (who was baptized some time ago) and she visits Setsuko everyday when school is in session. They are definitely an encouragement to one another while being in the world (but not of the world). Praise the Lord for our family (of all ages) in Christ!

As usual our Joy Time began with our good morning song and an English lesson. For our English lesson we continued in our study of the days of the week. After studying the days of the week, we read our Bible story. Today's Bible study theme was, "Who is your teacher?" So, we asked the children to name their teachers at their elementary schools and then we told them about Jesus, who is the ultimate teacher. Therefore, today's story was about Jesus teaching the people, entitled, "True Happiness," (from the book, A Child's First Story of Jesus). The story was set with Jesus preaching to the people. Basically, it was a simplified version of the Sermon on the Mount and the children listened attentively.

Next, we played Sugoroku using the days of the week. We had a blast! Once again, the Lord brought us students and His name was glorified! Praise the Lord! I can't say enough about how much of a privilege it is to serve Him!

Niimi Bible Study/ Outreach

This week in Niimi the Thursday night Bible study included only Shu and I, since Darren was busy and could not attend. Also, it was raining on Wednesday, (the day I usually reach out to students at Niimi college), so I was not able to talk to/invite students as planned. Nevertheless, the Thursday night study continued. Our study was in John 1:28-42 and the Holy Spirit lead the way! Praise the Lord. Typically, Shu has trouble understanding some of the English, and even some of the Biblical Japanese for that matter, since it is generally not taken from the Japanese lexicon, so translation is sometimes necessary. Thus, since Darren was not able to make it, we were short a translator. Nevertheless, for this study we did not need a translator as the Holy Spirit gave us understanding in full effect! The Lord continues to prove Himself to me, reminding me of John 14:26. Even Shu was surprised and made the comments, "I understand!...This is very comfortable... We can study like this in the future!"

May 26, 2007
Today we were blessed with Yuki and her sister who joined us for Joy Time. We began today's lesson in our usual way by singing our good morning song and reviewing the previous English lessons. We reviewed greeting one another and the the days of the week. Also, we continued with our review of colors but we put them in the context of likes and dislikes. It was an enjoyable lesson with lots of laughs. Today's Bible story was about how God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. As shown in the picture. We emphasized that Abraham obeyed God even though he didn't want to sacrifice Isaac, and that God blessed him for obeying. Ultimately, we wanted them to know that God loves us and that His plan is always the best even though we may not understand it. As shown in the picture, Setsuko read the story in English and translated into Japanese for the first time today. As the Lord leads, we are getting her prepared to do Joy Time by herself in the event that I will not be available. By God's blessing, she is becoming more comfortable and I am confident she will be able to do it. After the story we played the card game "Uno". As we learned last week, just hanging out and talking proved to be a blessing. The children asked probing questions which led to further conversation about God and His Word. Once again, it was a privilege to serve Him.
Niimi Bible Study/ Outreach

This past Wednesday I went to Niimi College campus to reach out to students. I brought my guitar and some Japanese/English tracts and was able to share with a few students. There were mixed reactions; some friendly and some not so friendly. Nevertheless, some people heard about Jesus for the first time. One of the funny things that happened to me was being expected to play guitar for a group of girls, despite forgetting my song book. I was able to remember the song, "Jesus is the Answer," and fortunately they seemed to have enjoyed it. I invited them to the Bible study the next day, but they were all busy with night classes. Nevertheless, I told them I would be there next Wednesday doing the same thing and they agreed that we'd meet again then. May the Lord use that time for His glory. The next day Bible study was a blessing. Shu and Darren came and thus it was a time for men's fellowship. We continued in our study of the first chapter of John studying 1:18-28. Darren has proved to be a real blessing; translating the English that Shu doesn't understand into Japanese. I am really honored to lead these men in the study of God's Word and I pray that the Lord may continue to use me for His glory. May the Lord lead us men as we seek Him together and increase the group if it be His will

May 19, 2007
This week at Joy Time we were blessed with the presence of three students; Yuki, Yuki, and Youka. Each of them had attended Joy Time gatherings before, so we were happy to see them return. Praise the Lord! We began our English lesson with our usual greeting and good morning song and then we reviewed the days of the week. We decided to play sugaroku again using the days of the week since Yuki and Youka had not played with us before. It was a hit and we all enjoyed it. For our story we read from the Children's Bible about God's promise to Abraham. We told them how God said to Abraham, "Leave your country and go to your people. Leave your father's family. Go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you. I will make your name great." We shared how God blessed Abraham as the father of many nations and with a son named Isaac. We summed it up to the students by telling them, when you obey God, He blesses you. Afterward we all just hung together. It has become apparent that they need time to relax since they have a busy schedule during the week. So, we will be accommodating to their need for rest in the future. While we were resting, just hanging out, the children began to ask about the children's Bible story. So, this rest time seems to be a time when they are willing to open up. May the Lord continue to guide and use this time to plant His seeds.

Niimi Bible Study/ Outreach

This past Thursday I was blessed to lead another Bible study in Niimi. We met at Shu's house and Shu and Darren attended. It was Darren's first time attending the study and so I was thankful to have him. He is a high school teacher from Arizona. Ayano was out of town so she could not join us. In preparing for this study the Lord emphasized that by His Spirit we shall understand His Word. "But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things I said to you." (John 14:26) Both Darren and Shu are believers, so it was a blessed time of fellowship in His presence as we gathered in His name. The Lord is faithful and He most certainly did speak to our hearts and all who attended were richly blessed. Praise the Lord! I remember speaking and feeling the Lord directing my words and directing me to certain scriptures. It was such a blessing to see His Spirit in action and His Word upon our hearts! We agreed to meet next Thursday and perhaps, if the Lord leads them, more students may join us. I will be going to Niimi campus this Wednesday so we will wait and see what happens. Also, I have been attending a Monday night Bible study lead by an American lady named Jenny. Her husband is a native to Niimi named Hiroshi and they have a son named Gin. Together, the Horai family reaches out to the Niimi community via English and Japanese Bible studies and are part of Niimi church. So, as a result, after reaching out to the students, I am then able to refer them to the Horai family and Niimi church, whereupon they can also begin attending the Niimi church and get plugged in with the Niimi Christian family of believers! The Lord is working in Niimi and it is a privilege to be used. Hallelujah!

May 12, 2007
Today was an interesting day. At first, "Joy Time" (the name of our Saturday Sunday School), seemed as though it was not going to take place. I sat outside on the deck of the Sumida family residence and waited. I prayed that if it was to be, that the Lord would bring the students, and so I continued to wait. I knew Nagisa was not coming today since she had already called. On top of that, Setsuko is out of town right now, so if anybody came I was going to do it by myself today. Fortunately, Setsuko had already given me the consecutive Japanese translation for the story of David and Goliath, so if anyone came I would be ready to read in English and then to read the translation in Japanese. Well, just when it seemed that nobody would come, Yuki and her mother came! Praise the Lord! Also, Setsuko's parents decided that they would join the lesson too! I was amazed. Now, there was Yuki, and three adults. The Lord had provided 4 students! Hallelujah! We began the lesson by reviewing the days of the week. We drilled the English names and then used them to practice saying our likes and dislikes. Yuki said, "I like Monday." I was surprised, since I don't like Monday very much. Then Yuki said, "I don't like Wednesday," perhaps because of the classes at school she had that day. We all agreed that we liked Saturday and Sunday. Then it was story time. I read the story of David and Goliath taken from the children's Bible. As I read, I was so thankful because for the first time I was not only teaching children, but I was teaching the parents too. The Lord really encouraged me through this. After the story, we all played Sugoroku using the days of the week. We all had a great time! Yuki's mother thanked me and even asked if I would be here during the summer. So, it seems there might be a need for longer summer program. I will surely be praying about this. We'll see what happens.

Niimi Bible Study/ Outreach
The past few weeks the Lord has put it upon my heart to reach out the the people in Niimi, the city where I work and live during the week days. So after work on Wednesday, I went to Niimi college to reach out to the students. I brought a basic guide for students to understand the Gospel and become saved if they should choose, and a copy of the New Testament in both English and Japanese. I spoke with a few students on campus who walked by and even shared the fundamentals of Christianity with a girl who claimed to be Buddhist and had never heard the Gospel. During this time a Japanese man approached me. His name is Shusaku, "Shu" for short, and he is a new student at Niimi college. I told him that I am a Christian and that I am here to share about Jesus and he replied, "I am also a Christian!" It turned out that Shu had accepted Christ about 6 years ago, but since then has not read much of the Bible. He said he prays and that God has helped him through some really difficult times such as with his illness. Shu has a brain disease and is prone to having seizures 2 or 3 times a year. But, he is here in Niimi studying to be a nurse to help the poor children around the world. I was amazed. What faith he must have to simply believe in Jesus without much Biblical understanding. Then as I went home, I ran into another student named Ayano who lives in the same apartment building as I do. I recognized her from a Bible study I had attended a couple of weeks before at a local teacher's house also in Niimi. Ayano is not a Christian, but the Lord has led her to the company of other Christians through the teachers at her school, so she has since showed great interest in understanding. Therefore, upon meeting her again, and having already agreed to meet with Shu on Thursday to study the Bible (the next day), I also invited her to the Bible study and she was excited to come. So, as of now, I have begun teaching/discipling a Thursday night Bible Study. Our first study was from the book of John and it was a tremendous blessing. We began with a song, "At the Cross." First, we translated the difficult words of the song from English into Japanese and then we sang in English together. Then we prayed, in both Japanese and in English. My prayer in Japanese is pretty simple, but the Lord has blessed me with the ability that I was not sure I had. Hallelujah! Then we dug into the first chapter of John. Next week we will be studying creation and the Ten Commandments and perhaps other things if the Lord leads, since ultimately I am trying to paint a clear picture of what it means to be a Christian and how to live the Christian life. The Lord has shown me that Shu needs to be discipled and Ayano is very close to receiving Christ and I am honored to be used in the furthering of such life giving processes. Praise the Lord! I will continue to reach out to Niimi students and may the Lord bless us with more students!
May 5, 2007
Today we taught about Joseph and how he was sold by his brothers into slavery and into Egypt. Nagisa was our only student today. Praise the Lord for her faithfulness! We began our time together with prayer for the first time. Obviously Setsuko and I pray for this time constantly through out the week, but today the Lord put it on my heart for us to pray together with Nagisa and so we did. Praise the Lord! Then we sang our usual good morning song and reviewed the English names of colors. We played the "slap" game with the color flashcards and then we read the story about Joseph. As usual, I read in English and Setsuko translated. When Joseph's multi-colored coat came up, we made reference to the colors we had studied. We told about how Joseph's brothers hated Joseph since he was Jacob's favorite son and how they ultimately sold him into slavery and told Jacob he had been killed. Then we told of the famine that came over the land and how Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to get food. Finally, we shared how Joseph forgave them despite their hatred for him and that God had allowed for Joseph to undergo such suffering so that he could ultimately be used by God to save many people. The theme was forgiveness and after we told the story, we reviewed the story and talked about how God gave Joseph the ability to forgive. Then we went to the beach. It was a beautiful day despite the usual Spring haze which made for a rather overcast sky. As we sat on the pier and looked down at the water I asked Nagisa if she remembered the story of Noah and the Great flood that we had read a few weeks ago and she did. So after some more talk about the flood and imagining the earth having such a great amount of water during the flood, I made sure to remind her of God's promise that He would never flood the earth again. It was a blessed day and am so thankful Nagisa. Praise the Lord and may the seed being planted in her begin to grow.

April 28, 2007
This week we taught the children about the tower of Babel. We began our lesson with our usual Good morning song. Then, we told the story about the building of the tower of Babel and taught them that our way is not God's way. We reminded them about God's love for us and how He reaches us despite our efforts (such as the building of the Tower of Babel). Then we shared how God mixed the languages of the people in the world and used that to introduce the various places of the world, primarily Israel, as we explained the the geographic locations of the Bible stories, and America. Then, we went "sightseeing" around the Sumida family household and visited various pictures of popular sights in the Western U.S. that we had placed for the children to see, such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Grand Canyon, etc. It was a "grand" time! Then we played an interactive English learning game with dice called, "Sugoroku" (as shown in the picture). Once again this week proved to be a blessed time with the children and we are thankful that the Lord has continued to bring Yuki and Nagisa each week. May they grow to know the Lord in the near future!

April 21, 2007
Today we taught the kids about how God created the world. We began singing our usual good morning song accompanied by guitar. For our English lesson we taught them to say the days of the week. We ran around playing follow the leader while saying, "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday..." Then we told the story of how God created the world. How He created the earth and all the animals, and finally Adam and Eve. The children we very attentive and listened well, (there were only two this time). Afterward, when asked what the story was about, Nagi-chan said, (flashing a peace sign in the picture) "It was about God creating the world!" How wonderful to know that these little ones are hearing the truth. To end our time together we played balloon games. We had a "balloon stomp!" We all tied balloons to our ankles and tried to stomp on each other's balloons. Then we hit a balloon back and fourth between us while saying the days of the week and counting 1-100 in English. There were only two children who came this week. But the Lord encouraged me and put Luke 15:4 on my heart. "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses ONE of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the ONE which is lost until he finds it?" Once again a truly blessed time. Praise the Lord!
April 14, 2007
Yesterday we had five neighbor children come to our "Saturday Sunday School". We taught them about animals and the great flood. We taught them the English names of animals like the elephant, monkey, bear, and the pig. We sang a song to practice saying the animal names in English. Setsuko flipped through the cards as we sang the names of each animal and I played guitar. Then we read them the story of the Great Flood from a children's book. I read in English and Setsuko translated into Japanese. First, we told them that after the beginning of creation and Adam and Eve, there came a time when God was very displeased with mankind and so He decided to destroy the whole world with a great flood. Then we told them that God was only pleased with Noah and so He told Noah build an ark that would hold his family and the animals. At this time we made sure to mention the animals we had learned in English. Then we told them how the flooding stopped and the earth began to dry up and Noah and his family and the animals came out of the ark. We told them that God was very sad because of the destruction He had caused with the flood and therefore He promised never to flood the earth again. We told them how God created the rainbow to remind us of His promise. We emphasized that God loves us and wants the best for us. After sharing the story of Noah and the Great Flood we made balloon animals and played animal Pictionary while listening to various children's Bible songs. It was another blessed time with the children. Praise the Lord and may the Lord begin moving upon the hearts of these little ones so that one day they may truly know Him
April 7, 2007
This past Saturday on Easter weekend we were able to share about Jesus with the children of Yorishima town. We began our time together with an English lesson, teaching them how to say "Good morning," "How are you?" and "Fine. Thank you." Afterward we told them the real importance of Easter (more accurately Ressurection Day). They knew that we had planned an Easter egg hunt, so we used that to share with them that Easter eggs are not what Easter day(more accurately Ressurection Day), is all about. We told them the story about how Jesus died and rose again so that we could have eternal life. This was the first time all seven of them had heard the Gospel! Praise the Lord! Afterward, we went to the park hunted for eggs. Then we came back to Setsuko's house and colored them. Praise the Lord that these little ones are beginning to be reached!