Monday, October 29, 2007

"Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the Children of the World..."

This weekend I had to work on Saturday so I was unable to attend Joy Time in Yorishima. But, I was told by Setsuko that there was another festival in Yorishima, so once again Youka and Yu came by a little early for a short time and Nagisa joined them afterward. Also, Mori sensei (Pastor Mori's wife) joined Setsuko to teach the children. I was told that Nagisa read some Bible stories and some scriptures too. Nagisa really likes reading. Praise the Lord she can read God's Word.

On Sunday I taught Sunday School at Happy Church in Hiroshima with Dr. Lee. Our lesson was in English with translation into Japanese and Korean since more than half of the church is from Korea. It was based on the story about how Jesus gathered His disciples. Jesus loved His disciples and so I used this point to lead into the song, "Jesus Loves Me." Although this is a common song for children in America, many of the children do not know it here in Japan. As a result, we were blessed to learn such a simple and wonderful song about the Lord Jesus Christ and His love for us. Then, we played games using the phrase (in English), "Jesus loves me..."
After lunch I taught an English lesson. The church believes that English is an important skill and that it is also good for reaching out to the community. Therefore, the goal of this lesson time is to bring kids to the church who would not normally attend otherwise. May the Lord lead us in reaching the community.
Finally, Emi (the piano teacher) and I rehearsed the music for the Christmas program which will take place December 16th. Next time, the children will join us for rehearsal and we will be teaching them the songs, "The Little Drummer Boy," and "Silent Night." May God bless our preparations.

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