Saturday, November 24, 2007


Today at "Joy Time" we had Nagisa, Saho, and Rio. We read the Christmas story and practiced for the Christmas program. The key words were, "God loves you" and "Happy Birthday Jesus." Afterward we practiced English, using the question, "What time is it?" and answering,"It's ---- o'clock." Then we played a card game using the phrases.
Today was particularly intersting because it was the first time for Saho and Rio to attend. Saho is eleven Rio is five years old. They are former NOVA students and they came because NOVA shut down. Their father is a Buddhist temple monk in nearby Kamogata.Setsuko told their mother that we share about Jesus and teach the Bible and she had no problem with that. Therefore, it seems that the Lord has brought these people our way that they may hear the truth. Praise the Lord! May His will be done.


きょう、“ジョイ タイム”でなぎさ、さほ、とりおがきました。わたしたちはクリスマスストーリをよんで、クリスマスプログラムをれんしゅしました。キワドはえいごで“かみさまはきみをあいしてる”と“イエスさまをたんじょびおめでとう。”そして、わたしたしたちはえいごをれんしゅしました。えいごで“なんじですか”そして“いまは__です”をれんしゅしました。そして、わたしたちはあたらしことばをならって、かるたであそびました。

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